(Poking the smoldering coals with his stick and rearranging them carefully,) he kept the fire growing far into the night as he sat and blew and blew on the hollow branch, (the coals dancing and flames growing because of it.) He found that placing his fingertips, (dirty from his day of labor,) over the five holes would lower or raise the pitch. Moreover, (it strangely eased the pain in his heart) when he coaxed the voice from the branch. So, of course, he blew and made the branch sing until once again he dropped over from exhaustion. (The fire then burned the hollow branch into ash.)
He kept the fire growing far into the night as he sat and blew and blew on the hollow branch. He found that placing his fingertips over the five holes would lower or raise the pitch. Moreover, when he coaxed the voice from the branch, it strangely the pain in his heart. So, of course, he blew and made the branch sing until once again he dropped over from exhaustion. The hollow branch was then burned to ash by the fire.
I know my shift out of order and action verbs may not be the best but I think that it was the best I could do under the circumstances.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Assessment Activity
Identifying Genre
1.) Using specific examples from class discussions about genre, explain your understanding of how genres are identified, constructed, produced.
The different ways to write or present information to the reader is what is defines or makes up a genre. Examples of genre are letters, position papers, profiles, poems, Ext. Genre is what helps readers understand what they are reading and help writers know the specific format in which they should write. The Norton Field Guide describes genre as what" help us write by defining features for conveying certain kinds of information.” They give the reader clues about what sort of information they're likely to find and help them figure out how to read the piece. (210)” Different genres are written in their own different and unique ways, an example of this is that poems and analysis papers are two completely different genres because they convey different information, they are written in a very different format and the reader reads and interprets both differently because of this reason.
2.) Select one of your major projects and describe how you understand the “genre” (or genres) for that project. You should provide specific examples from the text of your project to illustrate your points, and be sure to thoroughly describe the choices you made regarding complying (or not) with the genre in your writing.
The genre that I chose would be the argumentative essay. This genre is unique because you describe two different positions on a topic and try to persuade the reader to see and understand your side of the argument by pointing out the flaws in the opposing argument by giving facts and information that weaken the opposing argument. In my argumentative essay I chose student drug testing. I was able to follow the genre by showing how student drug testing would help decrease student drug use, which would improve grades, student attendance, and future drug abuse and addiction which were my the main points of my paragraphs and this strengthened my argument. I was then able to weaken the opposing arguments, which were invasion of privacy, and the fact that not all students use drugs. I could do this by pointing out the laws allowing the school to do so in order to prevent future drug experimentation. Now while certain areas of my argument could be viewed as week by not providing enough back round information, which made room for the opposing side to counter my argument. But overall I felt that the information I provided made my argument strong enough to fit the genre and persuade the reader to see my side and understand where I was coming from.
Creating Content
3.) Select a project from this course that you feel was strongly identified with a particular genre (try to pick a project where you felt you understood the genre/project and were able to work with it successfully). Discuss your understanding of how the content you created was shaped by the boundaries and features of the genre. (For example, were there things you couldn’t say about your topic because it didn’t fit with the genre? How did the genre affect the research you included?
(NOTE: if you worked on a project where you deliberately did NOT fit your content to the genre, you could discuss that project by describing how and why you made choices to do something different, and discussing how your choices resulted in a text that did not fit the genre.)
The Paper that I chose because I felt that it identified with a particular genre was the ethnography paper. The way to start the research paper is to come up with a research topic and question, which will eventually turn, into your thesis. I began by thinking about what I wanted to research and came up with vegans. I then turned this in to a question/questions, why do people become vegans? What is a vegan lifestyle like and consist of, and what is the personality or characteristics of a vegan? I started this way because of the guidelines given in class and what was stated in the Norton Field Guide. Then I had to find subjects or people to interview in order to gather information to answer my questions, which becomes the bulk of the paper. Now after I gathered the necessary information and began writing the essay I realized that I was putting in my own view points/beliefs, and was not following the genre. I was trying to turn the paper into an argumentative or persuasive piece by putting in why I disagreed and didn’t understand this lifestyle. After revising the paper I saw what I had turned the paper into and how I strayed from the assigned genre. I then had to rewrite and revise many areas of the paper so that it would properly fit with the genre. While I was revising the paper I structured the paper with the though in mind of making it an informative and descriptive research/ethnography paper by giving the detailed story of a “in the life of” type of essay. So instead of including so much of my own viewpoints I filled the bulk of the paper with their information and view and not as much of my own.
Organizing Information in Multiple Genres
4.) Compare two genres that were part of the work for this class. Use actual examples from the genres in question.
The two topics that I am choosing to compare are the Argumentative genre and the analysis genre. I chose these two because while they are different genres they are also in my mind quite similar. They are both papers that are intended to convey a particular viewpoint and describe our views and ideas on a particular subject. They are also quite different in the aspect that the argumentative genre is instead to convince a group of people to see your side of an argument. The main idea of the genre is to try to explain to people why they should take your side in the argument, or at least under stand why you believe that your views are correct by pointing out the flaws in the opposing arguments. The Analysis genre on the other hand is intended to show readers what they might not notice in a piece of work (film, art, music, ect) normally. You are in a way giving an educated assessment, critique, or review of a particular topic. So while they are both your own ideas and view point they are also both written in with a different style and format in mind.
5.) Respond to one of the following writing situations: Imagine you need to produce a text about one of the following topics (choose only one). Explain (in detail) the decisions you might need to make regarding technology or media – What tools would you use to create the text? What tools/or venues might you use to distribute it? Keep in mind there is really no “correct” answer for this question – only examples of sound choices made for good reasons.
Note #1: Please explain in as much detail as possible. You can use examples from choices you made on projects during the semester – if applicable – to illustrate how these decisions can have important effects on the text one produces.
Note #2: Be sure to consider who the audience would be for this hypothetical document, and how that might affect your choices.
I chose to write about how I would use technology to create information on how to use the WMU library website. The first thing that you would have to do is type up the how-to information guide by using the Internet, the library website, a word document to type and design the how-to document. Then I would create a few different ways that my how two could be used. One would be an interactive website the others would be a pamphlets/brochure and DVD. The web site I would create on my computer, which would be an interactive web site that would have links that could be clicked in order to find certain information. There would be different links you could click for different genres that would lead to a link with different materials (books, magazines, websites, ect). This would lead to a link with a detailed paragraph of what you would haft to include in the library search tool and how you would use them to find the information that you’re looking for. This would also include a link to the exact library website search screen that you need to find what your looking for. I would also create a DVD with screen selections that would be similar to the web site. Different scene selections would be for the different genres that would lead to step-by-step directions. I would also have pamphlets that would have the same how to/ step by step direction of what you would haft to do to find exactly what you want. Then if you have any problems with anything all documents would have a help section telling you how to locate a help desk or a phone number to get one on one help. I would distribute the web site link by setting up an interactive link right on the main page of the WMU website and library home page, and via email. I would have the brochures and DVDs available at the welcome desk of the library and also have them handed out during orientation to ensure every student has a copy, so no student would have an excuse for not knowing how to use the library website. Ya pretty extensive and helpful
6 & 7.) Flexible Research Skills
Using one of the examples below (choose only one) discuss the resources you would/could use to find out about this topic. Think about the various kind of genres/or scenarios in which this information might be researched (for what kinds of texts and for what kinds of goals). Describe (in as much detail as possible) some (or all) of the following issues:
where you would go (physically or digitally) to find out about this topic
what kinds of technologies or media might you make use of in your search
who are some of the people you might gather information from (either as informants or as experts)
How would you decide what kind of information is applicable to your project?
What criteria would you use to make decisions about the types of information that would be useful or valid for this project.
Discuss one or more possibilities for the kind of text you might actually create using information you’ve gathered on this topic.
There are a multitude of sources that you could take advantage of in order to research the culture of a particular group/community and the values/rituals/beliefs that they have. Now if it’s a local group you could visit the area that they meet or congregate, i.e. a church, temple, rallied, speech, or any other type of group gathering. If that’s possible you might even have an opportunity to interview a person/s that participates in that following. If it’s not a local group than you would also have the option of looking it up on google, official group website, or some other reliable Internet resource. If that is not available you could see if they’re are educational or information videos, TV programs, or some sort of media that you could gather information from. Now like I said previously If you wanted one on one information you could ask a person involved in the group to gather reliable information, a professor, a person that has studied that group, or even another onlooker, like your self, to get their uneducated ideas and opinions on the group or subject to see what the common beliefs on this might be. Now the best information that you could find on the subject would be information that has been published by leaders, followers, originators, and creators of the group. Texts or audio/ visual information that has been produced and approved by the group would also be a good source. If those resources are not available than you should interview as many people as possible that participate in the group and compare the notes and identify the common similarities among them, which would lead to an educated guess on the subject. But even when it comes from the most reliable of sources there could always be uneducated, un-informed, or unreliable information. Which is why you should always double check the resources and investigate answers received. Now as far as the overall genre that could be written from the information gathered is all the decision of the author. From what I have written here it would most likely be a research/ ethnography type of paper. But if you wanted to turn the information that was gathered into an argumentative piece that could also be a possibility. All you would haft to do is take a position on the topic, weather you agree or disagree with the position of that group and why you agree or disagree with their lifestyle. It’s all about what information the author wants to convey.
Using Citation Formats and Citing Source Material in Multiple Genres
8.) Explore how citation functions within one of your projects from this semester. Why was this essay cited in this way? If the essay did not use formal citation, how did you show that you had the necessary authority to talk about the subject?
I used different citations/ work cited information on pretty much all of my papers. I will describe why I chose to cite like I did because there are different reasons for what I did in all of my papers. For my Analysis paper the only thing that I cited was the movie that I analyzed/ critiqued. The reason for that is because my paper was basically my views, ideas, opinions, and overall review of the film Reservoir dogs. I didn’t haft to cite anything else because I was the person creating the information given, not a different source, but I did have to cite when I used quotes because that’s another person’s work.
Now for the Argumentative essay that I did on school drug testing I had to cite many different sources using MLA citations. The reason that I had to do this was because the majority of my information came from Internet sources that I didn’t create, produce, or due the studies my self. I had to give credit and cite the source and author that it came from, both when I introduced the information and in my work cited page. Now at the same time when I formatted my papers to include citations I was worried I would credit my sources properly so I had to constantly revise my paper to make sure credit was given where credit was due.
9.) Describe your understanding of how formal citations work within an essay….how do they help to create an argument? How do they support arguments?
I believe that if it weren’t for formal citations that many genres of writing wouldn’t have much to fall back on. For the most part formal citations are what make up the bulk and credibility for informational and argumentative essays. When writing an essay you haft to have credible information to build up your topic and make it believable and reliable. The studies, information, and literature that you include from informed and credible sources is what lets your reader know that you have a informed and accurate stance on a position or topic. If you make a statement and you don’t have the accurate and appropriate information to back it up than it gives your reader and audience no reason to believe you and weakens your position.
Grammatical Usage and Sentence Structure
10.) Answer ONE of the following two questions:
Discuss a grammar, style, or punctuation issue that you feel you’ve “conquered” this semester (i.e., one you think you can remember and use correctly). Describe the process through which you gained this knowledge (this might include example passages from your projects that show how you gained this knowledge throughout the semester, notes from peers or instructor, passages from guides or textbooks you studied, etc).
There are quite a few things that I felt that I improved upon during this semester, such as grammar, punctuation, and formatting just to name a few. But the one thing that I think that I improved upon the most was my thesis statement. I don’t know if that is one of the areas asked in the question but I feel that is the main thing that I improved upon over the semester. Before I entered the class I didn’t really use thesis statements properly if at all. I just gave an introductory paragraph and discussed the overall idea of my paper, but never really gave clear topics or main points that I was going to focus on or discuss during my paper. I know that many of the people that read my papers and helped me revise them noticed that I had trouble trying to do this properly. I cant give exact examples because most of the information that tells how I left this out is in my peer review sheets, but for every peer review I always got the feed back that I needed a clear thesis statement. Now I’m not saying that I have mastered this yet but I do know that I have improved upon it because of all the practice I got trying to perfect it.
NOTE: If you feel that you have be able to conquer a particular grammar, style or punctuation issue this semester, answer #12. If you feel that you didn’t, answer #13.
11.) Select one of your projects and reflect on at least three elements of grammatical structure or punctuation within that project. Discuss how these elements function in the text – How do they shape the reader’s experience of the text? Do they affect the rhythm, structure or meaning of the text? Do they contribute (or take away from) your credibility as an author?
The project that I chose was my first paper, the argumentative research essay. I chose this one because it was my first paper in the class and I think that it shows the mistakes I made in the beginning of the semester that I learned from. When I was writing my paper I was trying to eliminate the use of commas that I included in my paper. I did this because we had just finished the lecture on how to eliminate unnecessary commas in our papers. I think that I took it to heart but it also hurt my writing because I put periods in certain areas where I could have used commas, this made my paper choppy and not flow as well. When I was revising my paper I was able to go back and replace the periods, helping my paper to flow making it more reader friendly. The other areas I chose to focus on were my topic sentences and thesis statements. Now while in my rough draft I struggled forming these, I found that when I was revising my paper and re-writing it that these formatting tools helped my paper flow smoothly and improved the transitions from the last sentence of a paragraph to the first sentence of the next paragraph. This helped my paper to make more sense and didn’t leave the reader confused. I think that because I improved on these two areas (topic sentence, thesis statement) that it gave me more credibility as an author and didn’t make my paper read like it was written by an armature. Where as the lack of commas made it seem like overkill and kind of took away from the flow and took the authors attention away.
1.) Using specific examples from class discussions about genre, explain your understanding of how genres are identified, constructed, produced.
The different ways to write or present information to the reader is what is defines or makes up a genre. Examples of genre are letters, position papers, profiles, poems, Ext. Genre is what helps readers understand what they are reading and help writers know the specific format in which they should write. The Norton Field Guide describes genre as what" help us write by defining features for conveying certain kinds of information.” They give the reader clues about what sort of information they're likely to find and help them figure out how to read the piece. (210)” Different genres are written in their own different and unique ways, an example of this is that poems and analysis papers are two completely different genres because they convey different information, they are written in a very different format and the reader reads and interprets both differently because of this reason.
2.) Select one of your major projects and describe how you understand the “genre” (or genres) for that project. You should provide specific examples from the text of your project to illustrate your points, and be sure to thoroughly describe the choices you made regarding complying (or not) with the genre in your writing.
The genre that I chose would be the argumentative essay. This genre is unique because you describe two different positions on a topic and try to persuade the reader to see and understand your side of the argument by pointing out the flaws in the opposing argument by giving facts and information that weaken the opposing argument. In my argumentative essay I chose student drug testing. I was able to follow the genre by showing how student drug testing would help decrease student drug use, which would improve grades, student attendance, and future drug abuse and addiction which were my the main points of my paragraphs and this strengthened my argument. I was then able to weaken the opposing arguments, which were invasion of privacy, and the fact that not all students use drugs. I could do this by pointing out the laws allowing the school to do so in order to prevent future drug experimentation. Now while certain areas of my argument could be viewed as week by not providing enough back round information, which made room for the opposing side to counter my argument. But overall I felt that the information I provided made my argument strong enough to fit the genre and persuade the reader to see my side and understand where I was coming from.
Creating Content
3.) Select a project from this course that you feel was strongly identified with a particular genre (try to pick a project where you felt you understood the genre/project and were able to work with it successfully). Discuss your understanding of how the content you created was shaped by the boundaries and features of the genre. (For example, were there things you couldn’t say about your topic because it didn’t fit with the genre? How did the genre affect the research you included?
(NOTE: if you worked on a project where you deliberately did NOT fit your content to the genre, you could discuss that project by describing how and why you made choices to do something different, and discussing how your choices resulted in a text that did not fit the genre.)
The Paper that I chose because I felt that it identified with a particular genre was the ethnography paper. The way to start the research paper is to come up with a research topic and question, which will eventually turn, into your thesis. I began by thinking about what I wanted to research and came up with vegans. I then turned this in to a question/questions, why do people become vegans? What is a vegan lifestyle like and consist of, and what is the personality or characteristics of a vegan? I started this way because of the guidelines given in class and what was stated in the Norton Field Guide. Then I had to find subjects or people to interview in order to gather information to answer my questions, which becomes the bulk of the paper. Now after I gathered the necessary information and began writing the essay I realized that I was putting in my own view points/beliefs, and was not following the genre. I was trying to turn the paper into an argumentative or persuasive piece by putting in why I disagreed and didn’t understand this lifestyle. After revising the paper I saw what I had turned the paper into and how I strayed from the assigned genre. I then had to rewrite and revise many areas of the paper so that it would properly fit with the genre. While I was revising the paper I structured the paper with the though in mind of making it an informative and descriptive research/ethnography paper by giving the detailed story of a “in the life of” type of essay. So instead of including so much of my own viewpoints I filled the bulk of the paper with their information and view and not as much of my own.
Organizing Information in Multiple Genres
4.) Compare two genres that were part of the work for this class. Use actual examples from the genres in question.
The two topics that I am choosing to compare are the Argumentative genre and the analysis genre. I chose these two because while they are different genres they are also in my mind quite similar. They are both papers that are intended to convey a particular viewpoint and describe our views and ideas on a particular subject. They are also quite different in the aspect that the argumentative genre is instead to convince a group of people to see your side of an argument. The main idea of the genre is to try to explain to people why they should take your side in the argument, or at least under stand why you believe that your views are correct by pointing out the flaws in the opposing arguments. The Analysis genre on the other hand is intended to show readers what they might not notice in a piece of work (film, art, music, ect) normally. You are in a way giving an educated assessment, critique, or review of a particular topic. So while they are both your own ideas and view point they are also both written in with a different style and format in mind.
5.) Respond to one of the following writing situations: Imagine you need to produce a text about one of the following topics (choose only one). Explain (in detail) the decisions you might need to make regarding technology or media – What tools would you use to create the text? What tools/or venues might you use to distribute it? Keep in mind there is really no “correct” answer for this question – only examples of sound choices made for good reasons.
Note #1: Please explain in as much detail as possible. You can use examples from choices you made on projects during the semester – if applicable – to illustrate how these decisions can have important effects on the text one produces.
Note #2: Be sure to consider who the audience would be for this hypothetical document, and how that might affect your choices.
I chose to write about how I would use technology to create information on how to use the WMU library website. The first thing that you would have to do is type up the how-to information guide by using the Internet, the library website, a word document to type and design the how-to document. Then I would create a few different ways that my how two could be used. One would be an interactive website the others would be a pamphlets/brochure and DVD. The web site I would create on my computer, which would be an interactive web site that would have links that could be clicked in order to find certain information. There would be different links you could click for different genres that would lead to a link with different materials (books, magazines, websites, ect). This would lead to a link with a detailed paragraph of what you would haft to include in the library search tool and how you would use them to find the information that you’re looking for. This would also include a link to the exact library website search screen that you need to find what your looking for. I would also create a DVD with screen selections that would be similar to the web site. Different scene selections would be for the different genres that would lead to step-by-step directions. I would also have pamphlets that would have the same how to/ step by step direction of what you would haft to do to find exactly what you want. Then if you have any problems with anything all documents would have a help section telling you how to locate a help desk or a phone number to get one on one help. I would distribute the web site link by setting up an interactive link right on the main page of the WMU website and library home page, and via email. I would have the brochures and DVDs available at the welcome desk of the library and also have them handed out during orientation to ensure every student has a copy, so no student would have an excuse for not knowing how to use the library website. Ya pretty extensive and helpful
6 & 7.) Flexible Research Skills
Using one of the examples below (choose only one) discuss the resources you would/could use to find out about this topic. Think about the various kind of genres/or scenarios in which this information might be researched (for what kinds of texts and for what kinds of goals). Describe (in as much detail as possible) some (or all) of the following issues:
where you would go (physically or digitally) to find out about this topic
what kinds of technologies or media might you make use of in your search
who are some of the people you might gather information from (either as informants or as experts)
How would you decide what kind of information is applicable to your project?
What criteria would you use to make decisions about the types of information that would be useful or valid for this project.
Discuss one or more possibilities for the kind of text you might actually create using information you’ve gathered on this topic.
There are a multitude of sources that you could take advantage of in order to research the culture of a particular group/community and the values/rituals/beliefs that they have. Now if it’s a local group you could visit the area that they meet or congregate, i.e. a church, temple, rallied, speech, or any other type of group gathering. If that’s possible you might even have an opportunity to interview a person/s that participates in that following. If it’s not a local group than you would also have the option of looking it up on google, official group website, or some other reliable Internet resource. If that is not available you could see if they’re are educational or information videos, TV programs, or some sort of media that you could gather information from. Now like I said previously If you wanted one on one information you could ask a person involved in the group to gather reliable information, a professor, a person that has studied that group, or even another onlooker, like your self, to get their uneducated ideas and opinions on the group or subject to see what the common beliefs on this might be. Now the best information that you could find on the subject would be information that has been published by leaders, followers, originators, and creators of the group. Texts or audio/ visual information that has been produced and approved by the group would also be a good source. If those resources are not available than you should interview as many people as possible that participate in the group and compare the notes and identify the common similarities among them, which would lead to an educated guess on the subject. But even when it comes from the most reliable of sources there could always be uneducated, un-informed, or unreliable information. Which is why you should always double check the resources and investigate answers received. Now as far as the overall genre that could be written from the information gathered is all the decision of the author. From what I have written here it would most likely be a research/ ethnography type of paper. But if you wanted to turn the information that was gathered into an argumentative piece that could also be a possibility. All you would haft to do is take a position on the topic, weather you agree or disagree with the position of that group and why you agree or disagree with their lifestyle. It’s all about what information the author wants to convey.
Using Citation Formats and Citing Source Material in Multiple Genres
8.) Explore how citation functions within one of your projects from this semester. Why was this essay cited in this way? If the essay did not use formal citation, how did you show that you had the necessary authority to talk about the subject?
I used different citations/ work cited information on pretty much all of my papers. I will describe why I chose to cite like I did because there are different reasons for what I did in all of my papers. For my Analysis paper the only thing that I cited was the movie that I analyzed/ critiqued. The reason for that is because my paper was basically my views, ideas, opinions, and overall review of the film Reservoir dogs. I didn’t haft to cite anything else because I was the person creating the information given, not a different source, but I did have to cite when I used quotes because that’s another person’s work.
Now for the Argumentative essay that I did on school drug testing I had to cite many different sources using MLA citations. The reason that I had to do this was because the majority of my information came from Internet sources that I didn’t create, produce, or due the studies my self. I had to give credit and cite the source and author that it came from, both when I introduced the information and in my work cited page. Now at the same time when I formatted my papers to include citations I was worried I would credit my sources properly so I had to constantly revise my paper to make sure credit was given where credit was due.
9.) Describe your understanding of how formal citations work within an essay….how do they help to create an argument? How do they support arguments?
I believe that if it weren’t for formal citations that many genres of writing wouldn’t have much to fall back on. For the most part formal citations are what make up the bulk and credibility for informational and argumentative essays. When writing an essay you haft to have credible information to build up your topic and make it believable and reliable. The studies, information, and literature that you include from informed and credible sources is what lets your reader know that you have a informed and accurate stance on a position or topic. If you make a statement and you don’t have the accurate and appropriate information to back it up than it gives your reader and audience no reason to believe you and weakens your position.
Grammatical Usage and Sentence Structure
10.) Answer ONE of the following two questions:
Discuss a grammar, style, or punctuation issue that you feel you’ve “conquered” this semester (i.e., one you think you can remember and use correctly). Describe the process through which you gained this knowledge (this might include example passages from your projects that show how you gained this knowledge throughout the semester, notes from peers or instructor, passages from guides or textbooks you studied, etc).
There are quite a few things that I felt that I improved upon during this semester, such as grammar, punctuation, and formatting just to name a few. But the one thing that I think that I improved upon the most was my thesis statement. I don’t know if that is one of the areas asked in the question but I feel that is the main thing that I improved upon over the semester. Before I entered the class I didn’t really use thesis statements properly if at all. I just gave an introductory paragraph and discussed the overall idea of my paper, but never really gave clear topics or main points that I was going to focus on or discuss during my paper. I know that many of the people that read my papers and helped me revise them noticed that I had trouble trying to do this properly. I cant give exact examples because most of the information that tells how I left this out is in my peer review sheets, but for every peer review I always got the feed back that I needed a clear thesis statement. Now I’m not saying that I have mastered this yet but I do know that I have improved upon it because of all the practice I got trying to perfect it.
NOTE: If you feel that you have be able to conquer a particular grammar, style or punctuation issue this semester, answer #12. If you feel that you didn’t, answer #13.
11.) Select one of your projects and reflect on at least three elements of grammatical structure or punctuation within that project. Discuss how these elements function in the text – How do they shape the reader’s experience of the text? Do they affect the rhythm, structure or meaning of the text? Do they contribute (or take away from) your credibility as an author?
The project that I chose was my first paper, the argumentative research essay. I chose this one because it was my first paper in the class and I think that it shows the mistakes I made in the beginning of the semester that I learned from. When I was writing my paper I was trying to eliminate the use of commas that I included in my paper. I did this because we had just finished the lecture on how to eliminate unnecessary commas in our papers. I think that I took it to heart but it also hurt my writing because I put periods in certain areas where I could have used commas, this made my paper choppy and not flow as well. When I was revising my paper I was able to go back and replace the periods, helping my paper to flow making it more reader friendly. The other areas I chose to focus on were my topic sentences and thesis statements. Now while in my rough draft I struggled forming these, I found that when I was revising my paper and re-writing it that these formatting tools helped my paper flow smoothly and improved the transitions from the last sentence of a paragraph to the first sentence of the next paragraph. This helped my paper to make more sense and didn’t leave the reader confused. I think that because I improved on these two areas (topic sentence, thesis statement) that it gave me more credibility as an author and didn’t make my paper read like it was written by an armature. Where as the lack of commas made it seem like overkill and kind of took away from the flow and took the authors attention away.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Project Proposal
I’m still not absolutely sure what topic I am exactly going to target; I think I want to go with Donnie Darko, Reservoir Dogs, or Requiem of a Dream. I’m just having double making a decision on which one I would like to do because they are all very interesting films that I believe could be called almost artistic in the ways they were made. I would like to write about Donnie Darko because I have watched it three times and I still don’t really understand parts or the end of it but I also thought that it was an interesting and wired movie. I would like to write about Reservoir Dogs because it is a Tarintino movie so that in its self describes why I would like to write about it. Terintnos way of editing his films and having them come together and make sense at the end after you see all the pieces of the puzzle I think is amazing and a real talent. And the other film Requiem of a dream is a good film to write about because it is a sick disturbing dark insightful movie that shows the consequences of drug abuse, and has a very strange dark way of getting a very important point across which I think is amazing. I brought up film reviews for all 3 of these films as a way to see what the review was for each and to see how many stars they got as a way to see which film was the most popular as a way judge which one I should choose. I got three reviews from IMDB, one for each movie, as well as another two from Roger Ebert and one more from a random source because movie reviews are a very common form of analysis, and I want to get good ideas about all the movies.
Requiem of a dream
Reservoir dog’s
Donnie Darko
Requiem of a dream
Reservoir dog’s
Donnie Darko
The Sleeping Zone
There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as relaxing as yoga and as refreshing as Gatorade. It is the quiet place between sheets and blankets, between pillows and comforters, and it lies between the back of my body, and the grasp of her arms. This is the dimension of dreams. It is an area which we call………………The Sleeping Zone.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
skills activity
The red wheelbarrow
1 I personally thought that this piece was not well written at all. No even thought I’m not one that knows everything about poetry it seems to me this person just picked out an object in his yard at random and said 4 random irrelevant facts about it. It may go a lot deeper than I am thinking about it but it really doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.
Roommate- that is the dumbest thing I have ever read how does that even get published.
2 I reacted the way I did because I think that this poem isn’t really a quality piece of literature. There has to be more to this topic than they are letting us see but to me I just think that the whole thing is irrelevant to anything. Who really cares that its next to the chickens, and what depends on it if it so important.
Roommate- I think this way because why would anybody want to read about a wheelbarrow. No one that’s the most boring poem I have ever heard so I think that it sucks because in my eyes it does.
4 The author wants us to believe that the wheelbarrow is important, that there is something extremely special about this piece of equipment, but because he doesn’t give me an idea of why it is so important I don’t really find it a very interesting or fun piece to read. They strayed from the main idea of writing, “ keep readers attention.” He failed me because I'm not interested.
Roommate- I don’t care what he wants me to believe, it sucks.
5 I know what I know what I know about the object from the small bit of information the author gives me. Its by the chickens, glazed in water, red, important. That’s it so it’s a description of the wheelbarrow. The little tidbits he gave me is all I know about this item.
Roommate-I don’t know anything because this author doesn’t give me any thing to know about it.
I think that this piece is very well written, my roommate thought similar thoughts as myself but had a few different choice words I chose to edit for my blog. This piece I believe was either written by a 5 year old or by someone so deep in thought he didn’t care about the reader. Now while I was more incite full and analytical in the way I wrote trying to see both sides of the argument, my roommate was more critical and in a way angry about the ether his or the authors ignorance.
1 I personally thought that this piece was not well written at all. No even thought I’m not one that knows everything about poetry it seems to me this person just picked out an object in his yard at random and said 4 random irrelevant facts about it. It may go a lot deeper than I am thinking about it but it really doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.
Roommate- that is the dumbest thing I have ever read how does that even get published.
2 I reacted the way I did because I think that this poem isn’t really a quality piece of literature. There has to be more to this topic than they are letting us see but to me I just think that the whole thing is irrelevant to anything. Who really cares that its next to the chickens, and what depends on it if it so important.
Roommate- I think this way because why would anybody want to read about a wheelbarrow. No one that’s the most boring poem I have ever heard so I think that it sucks because in my eyes it does.
4 The author wants us to believe that the wheelbarrow is important, that there is something extremely special about this piece of equipment, but because he doesn’t give me an idea of why it is so important I don’t really find it a very interesting or fun piece to read. They strayed from the main idea of writing, “ keep readers attention.” He failed me because I'm not interested.
Roommate- I don’t care what he wants me to believe, it sucks.
5 I know what I know what I know about the object from the small bit of information the author gives me. Its by the chickens, glazed in water, red, important. That’s it so it’s a description of the wheelbarrow. The little tidbits he gave me is all I know about this item.
Roommate-I don’t know anything because this author doesn’t give me any thing to know about it.
I think that this piece is very well written, my roommate thought similar thoughts as myself but had a few different choice words I chose to edit for my blog. This piece I believe was either written by a 5 year old or by someone so deep in thought he didn’t care about the reader. Now while I was more incite full and analytical in the way I wrote trying to see both sides of the argument, my roommate was more critical and in a way angry about the ether his or the authors ignorance.
The chapter starts on page 129; page 144 is where it ends.
-The chapter starts on page 129 and goes to page 144.
Betty is pretty, kind, and has charm.
-Betty is extremely pretty, very kind, and has a lot of charm.
If you go to the drugstore, please remember to pick up Nick’s prescription, buy some toothpaste, and to look for a birthday card.
-If you go to the drug store please, remember to pick up Nick's prescription, buy some toothpaste, and purchase a birthday card.
I spent an hour with Ms. King reviewing my job performance, assessing my goals, and my future with the company was also discussed.
-I spent an hour with Ms. King Reviewing my my job performance, assessing my goals, and also analyzing my future with the company.
The dog’s size, how friendly he was, and temperament made him a good choice for our family.
-The dog's size, friendliness, and temperament made his a good choice for our family.
Janice was the most admired person in the family, also the most independent person and the most ambitious.
-Janice was the most admired, independent, and ambitious person in the family.
Leo’s day is so long that he gets up at 5:00 a.m., leaves for work at 5:30 a.m., eating dinner at 10 p.m., and goes to bed at 1:00 a.m.
-Leo is so busy that he gets up at 5:00 a.m., leaves for work at 5:30 a.m., eats dinner at 10 p.m., and gets in bed at 1 a.m.
-The chapter starts on page 129 and goes to page 144.
Betty is pretty, kind, and has charm.
-Betty is extremely pretty, very kind, and has a lot of charm.
If you go to the drugstore, please remember to pick up Nick’s prescription, buy some toothpaste, and to look for a birthday card.
-If you go to the drug store please, remember to pick up Nick's prescription, buy some toothpaste, and purchase a birthday card.
I spent an hour with Ms. King reviewing my job performance, assessing my goals, and my future with the company was also discussed.
-I spent an hour with Ms. King Reviewing my my job performance, assessing my goals, and also analyzing my future with the company.
The dog’s size, how friendly he was, and temperament made him a good choice for our family.
-The dog's size, friendliness, and temperament made his a good choice for our family.
Janice was the most admired person in the family, also the most independent person and the most ambitious.
-Janice was the most admired, independent, and ambitious person in the family.
Leo’s day is so long that he gets up at 5:00 a.m., leaves for work at 5:30 a.m., eating dinner at 10 p.m., and goes to bed at 1:00 a.m.
-Leo is so busy that he gets up at 5:00 a.m., leaves for work at 5:30 a.m., eats dinner at 10 p.m., and gets in bed at 1 a.m.
Active Voice vs. Passive Voice
The check was given to the waitress by Steve.
-Steve gave the check to the waitress
It was recommended that the policy be changed.
-The policy was recommended to be changed
A study of the problem was made by Jenny.
-Jenny studied the problem.
The tower was hit by a bolt of lightning.
-A bolt of lightening hit the tower
The fly ball was caught by Jose.
-Jose caught the fly ball
It was overheard that some people will leave the company.
-The company overheard that some people were leaving.
The donation is to be given by Mr. Smith.
-Mr. Smith Gave the donation
The gold was discovered by a rancher in Wyoming.
-A wyoming rancher discovered gold
The check was written for an amount of one million dollars.
-A one million dollar check was written
Several donations are going to be made by the family.
-the family is making several donation.
-Steve gave the check to the waitress
It was recommended that the policy be changed.
-The policy was recommended to be changed
A study of the problem was made by Jenny.
-Jenny studied the problem.
The tower was hit by a bolt of lightning.
-A bolt of lightening hit the tower
The fly ball was caught by Jose.
-Jose caught the fly ball
It was overheard that some people will leave the company.
-The company overheard that some people were leaving.
The donation is to be given by Mr. Smith.
-Mr. Smith Gave the donation
The gold was discovered by a rancher in Wyoming.
-A wyoming rancher discovered gold
The check was written for an amount of one million dollars.
-A one million dollar check was written
Several donations are going to be made by the family.
-the family is making several donation.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Discuss the Readings
I found that when I read, “what is an academic paper” and “How to Write Consistently Boring Literature" they both touch on similar topics. Both papers talk about ways to keep the author interested. The “how to” paper takes a sarcastic stance in the way it describes making your author purposely loose interest while the “what is” paper constantly mentions on things the author should target in order to keep the reader involved and mentions how almost every paragraph. Which is how both papers continue to target each key point either with sarcasm on how to bore, be un-creative, and confuse the reader with the underlying tone that this is what you should not do. The other paper targets al most the same things but with advice and not in the sarcastic format. Now while I think that the sarcastic “how to” paper is in ways helpful and g in a way gives advice of what not to do, The “what is” paper I believe is more descriptive and more helpful to read because it isn’t sarcastic and to me demeaning in the way it makes it sound like the way everyone writes is wrong. Now both papers are well written and discuss different writing styles, I believe the “What is” paper is more reader friendly.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Class Structure
I personally like the class structure for this past semester. Even though it can make it easier for people to get lasey and slack it also forces people to become self motivated and do things for them selves which I think is a positive lesson for people to learn. I also think that it also gives us more time to work on the assighnments and papers that had been give to us the previous Tuesday. I also like how we can get feedback from our fellow class mates and professor on how we can fix certain problems as well as wht they liked about the paper. It does help with understanding what the audience is looking for in a paper so I thing that for future classes this is a positive way to do the class.
Topic Sentance Worksheet
Thesis statement Vegetarians are just like you and me the only difference is they choose not to eat our fellow living animals.
There are several different reasons why one would want to become a vegan.
Topic 1 Many of the individuals who are now vegan did not always start out as such. Now while some were raised on families who believed that vegan was a proper way of life other because of religion, beliefs or morals. Others just simply decided in one point of their life that vegan was just the proper way to live. A fellow co-worker Alex Inwood who is a vegan was convinced to be so due to pictures of slaughterhouses and what meat looks like before it is cooked. What ever their reasons may be there are belief and feeling that back it up.
Transition But if their beliefs or personal decisions prevent them from eating meats than what would a vegan do in order to get nourishments found in meats.
Topic 2 What must a vegan eat in order to survive and get all of their nutrients?
Vegans pride them selves on the fact that they eat no meat and subject no animal to become nutrition. So if they do not eat meat than how would they get the certain vitamins and minerals that are needed to survive. Some actually make certain exceptions such as eating a small amount of fish or something such as that but still avoiding meats. Others take vegetarianism much more seriously and take special vitamins and supplements to support and nourish their body.
Transition Nourishing their bodies is one thing but what about other aspects of their life that vegetarianism could affect.
Topic 3 What other products do vegans refuse to use do to their involvement in animal cruelty.
Some Vegans draw the live at only not eating meets, but others take their involvement much more seriously. There are certain vegans that also include soaps, makeup, and other every day household products as a way to prevent animal cruelty. There are actually certain stores and products that pride them selves on not involving animals in the production of their products.
Conclusion Now you may not be able to notice by looking at these average, every day people but they pride themselves on the healthy un-cruel way that they live. Weather they take it very seriously as a way to make them selves feel better about animal cruelty and the actions to prevent it, or they just want a healthier way to live. These people in their minds are making a difference and a positive change for the future.
Good device I think a good way to start a paper in the opening paragraph is to get the readers interested and intrigued. The main objective in the opening paragraph is to get your reader involved and interested n what you are going to talk about. If the reader isn’t interested and are board with the first paragraph then they most likely wont read on. As long as your reader is involved then they will be interested in most cases.
Effective conclusion A good way to end the paper is to wrap up all lose ends. You want the reader to remember what your main ideas were in the paper and this is why you should repeat your thesis statement. You should in part summarize what your entire paper was trying to address and maybe even leave the reader with something to think about.
There are several different reasons why one would want to become a vegan.
Topic 1 Many of the individuals who are now vegan did not always start out as such. Now while some were raised on families who believed that vegan was a proper way of life other because of religion, beliefs or morals. Others just simply decided in one point of their life that vegan was just the proper way to live. A fellow co-worker Alex Inwood who is a vegan was convinced to be so due to pictures of slaughterhouses and what meat looks like before it is cooked. What ever their reasons may be there are belief and feeling that back it up.
Transition But if their beliefs or personal decisions prevent them from eating meats than what would a vegan do in order to get nourishments found in meats.
Topic 2 What must a vegan eat in order to survive and get all of their nutrients?
Vegans pride them selves on the fact that they eat no meat and subject no animal to become nutrition. So if they do not eat meat than how would they get the certain vitamins and minerals that are needed to survive. Some actually make certain exceptions such as eating a small amount of fish or something such as that but still avoiding meats. Others take vegetarianism much more seriously and take special vitamins and supplements to support and nourish their body.
Transition Nourishing their bodies is one thing but what about other aspects of their life that vegetarianism could affect.
Topic 3 What other products do vegans refuse to use do to their involvement in animal cruelty.
Some Vegans draw the live at only not eating meets, but others take their involvement much more seriously. There are certain vegans that also include soaps, makeup, and other every day household products as a way to prevent animal cruelty. There are actually certain stores and products that pride them selves on not involving animals in the production of their products.
Conclusion Now you may not be able to notice by looking at these average, every day people but they pride themselves on the healthy un-cruel way that they live. Weather they take it very seriously as a way to make them selves feel better about animal cruelty and the actions to prevent it, or they just want a healthier way to live. These people in their minds are making a difference and a positive change for the future.
Good device I think a good way to start a paper in the opening paragraph is to get the readers interested and intrigued. The main objective in the opening paragraph is to get your reader involved and interested n what you are going to talk about. If the reader isn’t interested and are board with the first paragraph then they most likely wont read on. As long as your reader is involved then they will be interested in most cases.
Effective conclusion A good way to end the paper is to wrap up all lose ends. You want the reader to remember what your main ideas were in the paper and this is why you should repeat your thesis statement. You should in part summarize what your entire paper was trying to address and maybe even leave the reader with something to think about.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
peer evaluation
I think that for the pier review there were some good aspects and also some bad. I think that certain people took it more seriously than others so some didn’t care as much about giving feedback and didn’t put much effort into this exercise. I think that I did get some good advice and ways to adjust my paper but there were also people who didn’t really know how to analyze or even make a comment. I think that this could be a strong positive exercise; depending on a person’s willingness to take time to give positive and negative feed back.
my topics
One culture that I am interested in researching would be scientologists. The things that I would like to know about this culture would be what they believe in, the origins of their beliefs, what lead to their beliefs. I am also interested what restriction or things that they are not allowed to participate in because of their beliefs, and routines of everyday life.
Another culture that I am interested in researching is the homeless. This may be a broad topic so I would like feedback on another way to approach this topic. But I do believe this would be a good topic because it is so broad. I want to find out what lead certain homeless people to become such. I want to see what decisions in their life they made to be in the position that they are. I would also like to see what a day in there life is like as well as a night, especially during the wintertime.
Another culture that I am interested in researching is the homeless. This may be a broad topic so I would like feedback on another way to approach this topic. But I do believe this would be a good topic because it is so broad. I want to find out what lead certain homeless people to become such. I want to see what decisions in their life they made to be in the position that they are. I would also like to see what a day in there life is like as well as a night, especially during the wintertime.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Research Exercise #2
Work cited Planas, Antonio “High school drug testing promoted” Las Vegas Review Journal
Public Schools nation wide that have not already implemented student drug testing are being persuaded by the white house deputy of drugs to consider requesting federal grants to begin testing. While some think that it would be a good idea, other school faculty believes that it’s Invasive, unnecessary, and would prevent students from participating in extracurricular activities.
Public schools were recently asked to consider federal grants to instate drug testing in extra curricular activities. The white houses deputy drug czar believes that these random drug tests will help prevent or stop drug use while it is still a minor problem. Last semester school principles from across the nation recommended expulsion for 449 students for ether possessing, distributing or having the intent to distribute drugs on campus property (Antonio Planas LVRJ). The drug testing results would remain private and would only be disclosed to parents and a professional that can help with the problem before it turns into a addiction. Planas goes on to describe how giving every student a drug test could be invasive, but it could be helpful in monitering students that have had problems in the past.
I think that this is the topic that I am going to stick with.
Public Schools nation wide that have not already implemented student drug testing are being persuaded by the white house deputy of drugs to consider requesting federal grants to begin testing. While some think that it would be a good idea, other school faculty believes that it’s Invasive, unnecessary, and would prevent students from participating in extracurricular activities.
Public schools were recently asked to consider federal grants to instate drug testing in extra curricular activities. The white houses deputy drug czar believes that these random drug tests will help prevent or stop drug use while it is still a minor problem. Last semester school principles from across the nation recommended expulsion for 449 students for ether possessing, distributing or having the intent to distribute drugs on campus property (Antonio Planas LVRJ). The drug testing results would remain private and would only be disclosed to parents and a professional that can help with the problem before it turns into a addiction. Planas goes on to describe how giving every student a drug test could be invasive, but it could be helpful in monitering students that have had problems in the past.
I think that this is the topic that I am going to stick with.
Project Proposal
I have to decided to stay with the topic of drug testing in public schools. My position on this topic is that I am for school drug testing due to the fact that it prevents future addiction and also keeps our public schools safe. The topics that I plan to cover in my paper would be the rights of schools to take urine specimens from students. Some say that this is going against the student’s constitutional rights and is an invasion of privacy. I will also cover the topic of how public schools are responsible for maintaining “safety, health, and discipline.” The argument against this would be that it is the parent’s job to protect their children and to inform them of the dangers of drug use and to prevent it. One of the other arguments that I will include in my paper will be that students relinquish certain right when they are entrusted to a school for supervision. I will also mention the counterargument that any kind of gathering of biological specimen is inherently intrusive. As well as the fact that drug testing in high schools has not been proven to decrease the use of drugs in high school. There is also the problem that arises that if they test for popular drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, and alcohol what’s to prevent students from using prescription drugs or other un-traceable drugs.
Just Be Nice
I believe that just be nice is a good argumentative piece but there are also some things that make this piece confusing to the reader. I thought that the entire piece did read well and it was compelling but it confused me to what it was really trying to target. The piece starts out talking about manners in public school then quickly shifts gears into several different arguments about freedom of speech/ expression. Now while it did give several good examples, anecdotes, counterarguments, and opinion I think that it could use a better opening paragraph or thesis statement so we know what he is going to be arguing instead of having to guess what it is about.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Research Exercise #1
Sample Research Exercise #1
Joshua Zumbro
English 1050
Topic: Teen Drug Abuse
Topic 2 – Drugs In Our Schools
Works Cited – Anonymous. “Drug dealing occurs at 60% of schools.”Juvenile Justice Digest. Sep 17, 2001. Vol. 29, Iss. 17; pg. 2, 1 pgs
According to the “Juvenile Justice Digest” in their artice “Drug dealing occurs at 60% of schools,” 9.5 million high school students, and 5 million middle school students attend schools where illegal drugs are used and easily accessible (JJD pg2). The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse based theses facts and statistics off six years of investigation and discussions with students as well as parents and faculty. CASA, a program out of Columbia University, found that under these sort of conditions students are 3 times more likely to participate in those illegal activities, and upon graduation from high school 81% of students will have used alcohol, 47% Marijuana, and 24% other harder drugs (JJD pg2). The White House’s office of drug control policy hopes that these facts put school police on a harder lookout.
Mainstream drugs are now on the decline since this article was published. Even though alcohol is still a large problem among middle school and high school children the new epidemic is prescription pills. So even though most kids are no longer interested in the illegal drugs, new addictions have come up with generation RX, which it’s now being referred to as.
Additional Ideas
I also would like to look at the increasing use of alcohol abuse among teens. I also would like to find out the reasons and environment that the kids who are abusing drugs and alcohol live in. I also would like to find out what schools and parents are doing to prevent teen drug use/abuse.
Joshua Zumbro
English 1050
Topic: Teen Drug Abuse
Topic 2 – Drugs In Our Schools
Works Cited – Anonymous. “Drug dealing occurs at 60% of schools.”Juvenile Justice Digest. Sep 17, 2001. Vol. 29, Iss. 17; pg. 2, 1 pgs
According to the “Juvenile Justice Digest” in their artice “Drug dealing occurs at 60% of schools,” 9.5 million high school students, and 5 million middle school students attend schools where illegal drugs are used and easily accessible (JJD pg2). The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse based theses facts and statistics off six years of investigation and discussions with students as well as parents and faculty. CASA, a program out of Columbia University, found that under these sort of conditions students are 3 times more likely to participate in those illegal activities, and upon graduation from high school 81% of students will have used alcohol, 47% Marijuana, and 24% other harder drugs (JJD pg2). The White House’s office of drug control policy hopes that these facts put school police on a harder lookout.
Mainstream drugs are now on the decline since this article was published. Even though alcohol is still a large problem among middle school and high school children the new epidemic is prescription pills. So even though most kids are no longer interested in the illegal drugs, new addictions have come up with generation RX, which it’s now being referred to as.
Additional Ideas
I also would like to look at the increasing use of alcohol abuse among teens. I also would like to find out the reasons and environment that the kids who are abusing drugs and alcohol live in. I also would like to find out what schools and parents are doing to prevent teen drug use/abuse.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Possible Arguments
Drug/ Alcohol testing in school
Invasion of privacy
Teachers are not the parents who are they to interfere
Protecting the students
Its either illegal or they are underage
Eliminating free speech
Government stopping "political incorrectness"
Keeping children away from vulgar speech and pictures
Parents job to regulate what children see and hear
People will hear it one way or another
Smoking in public areas
Keeps non-smokers comfortable and away from second hand smoke.
If they don’t smoke than they can walk away from it.
Land of the free? What does that even mean anymore?
2nd hand smoke affects children
It’s the parent’s responsibility to keep children away from 2nd hand smoke, not the governments.
With the constant law changes concerning cigarettes, at what point is the government just going to make it illegal
Changing the drinking age
If you can smoke and go to war at 18 why cant you drink.
If kids want to drink they will find a way, laws are not going to stop them.
Preventing pre mature alcoholism
16-18 year olds just got a license; it will just prompt more drinking and driving.
Invasion of privacy
Teachers are not the parents who are they to interfere
Protecting the students
Its either illegal or they are underage
Eliminating free speech
Government stopping "political incorrectness"
Keeping children away from vulgar speech and pictures
Parents job to regulate what children see and hear
People will hear it one way or another
Smoking in public areas
Keeps non-smokers comfortable and away from second hand smoke.
If they don’t smoke than they can walk away from it.
Land of the free? What does that even mean anymore?
2nd hand smoke affects children
It’s the parent’s responsibility to keep children away from 2nd hand smoke, not the governments.
With the constant law changes concerning cigarettes, at what point is the government just going to make it illegal
Changing the drinking age
If you can smoke and go to war at 18 why cant you drink.
If kids want to drink they will find a way, laws are not going to stop them.
Preventing pre mature alcoholism
16-18 year olds just got a license; it will just prompt more drinking and driving.
Transitions, Topic Sentence, Conclusion
Thesis Many of those who blame other's for cheating have most likely cheated them selves, been an accomplice, or have allowed others to look off their papers. All these reasons could be due to the lack of obedience, punishment or the stress involved with getting high grades.
Transition 1 Due to the fact that now a days good grades are the number 1 priority many students compromise integrity to achieve this.
Transition 2 Messages from parents and teachers to do good under any circumstances, even when faced with stern punishments, support student’s reasons to take advantage of any opportunity to cheat.
Transition 3 While there are some punishments that have been implemented to discourage cheating as well as making it difficult to do so, other institutions have weak punishments if any at all which gives students no reason to be honest.
Cheating in our institutions has become more and more frequent among students as well as co-workers. This can all be attributed to either a lack of parenting, teaching, ethics and the stress upon students to do well. Describing the problems that come with cheating, and instituting more intense punishments could solve many of these problems. At the same there will always be those who just want to find the easy way out.
Transition 1 Due to the fact that now a days good grades are the number 1 priority many students compromise integrity to achieve this.
Transition 2 Messages from parents and teachers to do good under any circumstances, even when faced with stern punishments, support student’s reasons to take advantage of any opportunity to cheat.
Transition 3 While there are some punishments that have been implemented to discourage cheating as well as making it difficult to do so, other institutions have weak punishments if any at all which gives students no reason to be honest.
Cheating in our institutions has become more and more frequent among students as well as co-workers. This can all be attributed to either a lack of parenting, teaching, ethics and the stress upon students to do well. Describing the problems that come with cheating, and instituting more intense punishments could solve many of these problems. At the same there will always be those who just want to find the easy way out.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Fake News
I think that TV programs such as the Colbert Report as well as the Daily Show can categorized as “Fake News.” I Think this is due to the fact that even though they both have real topics that they cover and discuss the most important information about the story, they always lead into some joke or fake statement about that topic. So even though in ways it has truth, seriousness, and information that we would get if we watched CNN or CNBC but we also get humor, which those other programs do not offer. This humor is what draws in crowds and people that want to hear the news but don’t want the uptight seriousness that the other news offers.
This also helps the younger crowds watch the news and get in to politics and current events that otherwise they would not know about. It is a very good idea to put a comedic news on comedy central, a channel that is targeted to people between 15-30. Which gets people interested into politics at a young age and helps them to know about serious issues that they should know about but also enjoy watching it. This also gets the younger crowd aware and prepared to vote but talking about issues that will be affecting them in the future. So I think the concept of a “fake News” show is a very good idea to get those who usually wouldn’t usually be interested in news involved in political issues.
This also helps the younger crowds watch the news and get in to politics and current events that otherwise they would not know about. It is a very good idea to put a comedic news on comedy central, a channel that is targeted to people between 15-30. Which gets people interested into politics at a young age and helps them to know about serious issues that they should know about but also enjoy watching it. This also gets the younger crowd aware and prepared to vote but talking about issues that will be affecting them in the future. So I think the concept of a “fake News” show is a very good idea to get those who usually wouldn’t usually be interested in news involved in political issues.
Thesis Statement
1.) Road rage can cause numerous negative affects on our highways.
Thesis statement: Due to road rage there has been many deaths due to furious drivers tail gaiting, giving obscene gestures, and even dragging people out of their cars.
2.) Violence in Disney Films.
The Violence in Disney films can be attributed to the racist views and ideas of their creator as well as the time and environment when they were created.
3.) In this paper, I will discuss the different types of ants.
Thesis statement: several different types of ants exist, but as the region changes so do the species.
4.) Human Kindness can be seen in they eyes of rescued animals.
Thesis statement: Every year several homeless dogs and cats are rescued from shelters and are taken to loving homes.
5.) I want to look at the reasons for drought.
Thesis statement: Many scientist attribute drought to the increase in littering, the lack of recycling as well as the increase in global warming.
6.) Stephen king is the author of the shining
Thesis statement: Stephen King is not only known for being a successful author but he also had any of his books turned into very popular films such as the shining.
7.) The titanic sank in the Atlantic Ocean.
Thesis Statement: The titanic sank in due to a lack of lifeboats as well as irresponsible drivers who weren’t paying attention or considering the surroundings around them.
8.) Drug addiction in America
Thesis Statement: Drug addiction has grown rapidly in America, many say that it is due to growing crime rate, as well as the wealth/boredom among youth.
9.) Saving private Ryan is a very good movie
Thesis Statement: the actors in saving private Ryan gave a very realistic portrayal to what it was really like in the war, which made it a very popular movie.
10.) I will show why rabbits make poor pets.
Thesis statement: If you don’t enjoy cleaning up poop everyday, constant feeding, and not playing or running around without the fear that your pet will run away, then I would not recommend a rabbit.
11.) A United States president should have charisma, compassion, and control.
Thesis Statement: President bush has not had much support during his presidency due to the war in Iraq, lack of support and not being able to control public affairs.
12.) The drop dead world of beauty pageants.
Thesis statement: The world of beauty pageants has recently been exposed for their involvement in drugs anorexia as well as a bribes and sex scandals.
13.) School uniforms are necessary
Thesis statement: Many schools are issuing uniforms rules due to harassment, cliques, and taunting to help form a health learning environment.
14.) William Shakespeare wrote Macbeth hamlet, and the tempest.
Thesis statement: Even after several centuries William Shakespeare is still famous and had movies based off his famous novels such as Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet.
15.) Aromatherapy helps to soothe the mind body and spirit.
Thesis statement some believe that aromatherapy calms mind and body while others find it as a distraction.
Thesis statement: Due to road rage there has been many deaths due to furious drivers tail gaiting, giving obscene gestures, and even dragging people out of their cars.
2.) Violence in Disney Films.
The Violence in Disney films can be attributed to the racist views and ideas of their creator as well as the time and environment when they were created.
3.) In this paper, I will discuss the different types of ants.
Thesis statement: several different types of ants exist, but as the region changes so do the species.
4.) Human Kindness can be seen in they eyes of rescued animals.
Thesis statement: Every year several homeless dogs and cats are rescued from shelters and are taken to loving homes.
5.) I want to look at the reasons for drought.
Thesis statement: Many scientist attribute drought to the increase in littering, the lack of recycling as well as the increase in global warming.
6.) Stephen king is the author of the shining
Thesis statement: Stephen King is not only known for being a successful author but he also had any of his books turned into very popular films such as the shining.
7.) The titanic sank in the Atlantic Ocean.
Thesis Statement: The titanic sank in due to a lack of lifeboats as well as irresponsible drivers who weren’t paying attention or considering the surroundings around them.
8.) Drug addiction in America
Thesis Statement: Drug addiction has grown rapidly in America, many say that it is due to growing crime rate, as well as the wealth/boredom among youth.
9.) Saving private Ryan is a very good movie
Thesis Statement: the actors in saving private Ryan gave a very realistic portrayal to what it was really like in the war, which made it a very popular movie.
10.) I will show why rabbits make poor pets.
Thesis statement: If you don’t enjoy cleaning up poop everyday, constant feeding, and not playing or running around without the fear that your pet will run away, then I would not recommend a rabbit.
11.) A United States president should have charisma, compassion, and control.
Thesis Statement: President bush has not had much support during his presidency due to the war in Iraq, lack of support and not being able to control public affairs.
12.) The drop dead world of beauty pageants.
Thesis statement: The world of beauty pageants has recently been exposed for their involvement in drugs anorexia as well as a bribes and sex scandals.
13.) School uniforms are necessary
Thesis statement: Many schools are issuing uniforms rules due to harassment, cliques, and taunting to help form a health learning environment.
14.) William Shakespeare wrote Macbeth hamlet, and the tempest.
Thesis statement: Even after several centuries William Shakespeare is still famous and had movies based off his famous novels such as Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet.
15.) Aromatherapy helps to soothe the mind body and spirit.
Thesis statement some believe that aromatherapy calms mind and body while others find it as a distraction.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
audience, purpose, and design
There is always a purpose to my writing like the book says. I am either writing to persuade, for fun, or make people think about the subject I am writing on. The purpose of my writing is usually to make a person believe that what I am writing is correct and the thoughts I have is the way we all should think, even if it isn’t. But that is why I write, to persuade a person to believe in my thoughts. Such as when I write a term paper, I am writing to make the teacher or the person grading it think that I know what I am talking about. Which is why I back it up with information, quotes and sources to persuade the reader that what I am writing is believable and correct. The purpose is to get a good grade. Same thing with writing for fun, the purpose is to have fun with what I am writing, to enjoy it and to have pride in it when I am finished.
The audience also plays a large role in my writing. Because whenever I write something there is always an audience I am trying to target but in most of the writing that i have been doing latley it is for the real audence. Such as when I write a term paper, I’m trying to target my teacher. When I write a poem or rhyme I am trying to target the intended audience that I know will be listening to it so that I know they will appreciate, and like it. The audience in my mind will always play a role in writing because they are the ones you are trying to get interested and persuade. Which are some of the reasons why we write.
The book talks about design as the way that we illustrate highlight or design our text. I personally never really use these tools in my writing because I really don’t believe it makes a huge difference. I guess if you are writing a comic design is important because you haft to have illustrations but in most cases I really don’t believe design plays a role in my writing but I could be wrong.
Over all Purpose and audience is what forms and is what I think of when I am writing a paper, storey, or poem, and all play a large role in literature/writing. As far as design goes I don’t think that it is necessary in writing, or at least the writing I do.
The audience also plays a large role in my writing. Because whenever I write something there is always an audience I am trying to target but in most of the writing that i have been doing latley it is for the real audence. Such as when I write a term paper, I’m trying to target my teacher. When I write a poem or rhyme I am trying to target the intended audience that I know will be listening to it so that I know they will appreciate, and like it. The audience in my mind will always play a role in writing because they are the ones you are trying to get interested and persuade. Which are some of the reasons why we write.
The book talks about design as the way that we illustrate highlight or design our text. I personally never really use these tools in my writing because I really don’t believe it makes a huge difference. I guess if you are writing a comic design is important because you haft to have illustrations but in most cases I really don’t believe design plays a role in my writing but I could be wrong.
Over all Purpose and audience is what forms and is what I think of when I am writing a paper, storey, or poem, and all play a large role in literature/writing. As far as design goes I don’t think that it is necessary in writing, or at least the writing I do.
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