Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Discuss the Readings

I found that when I read, “what is an academic paper” and “How to Write Consistently Boring Literature" they both touch on similar topics. Both papers talk about ways to keep the author interested. The “how to” paper takes a sarcastic stance in the way it describes making your author purposely loose interest while the “what is” paper constantly mentions on things the author should target in order to keep the reader involved and mentions how almost every paragraph. Which is how both papers continue to target each key point either with sarcasm on how to bore, be un-creative, and confuse the reader with the underlying tone that this is what you should not do. The other paper targets al most the same things but with advice and not in the sarcastic format. Now while I think that the sarcastic “how to” paper is in ways helpful and g in a way gives advice of what not to do, The “what is” paper I believe is more descriptive and more helpful to read because it isn’t sarcastic and to me demeaning in the way it makes it sound like the way everyone writes is wrong. Now both papers are well written and discuss different writing styles, I believe the “What is” paper is more reader friendly.

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