Thursday, February 14, 2008

my topics

One culture that I am interested in researching would be scientologists. The things that I would like to know about this culture would be what they believe in, the origins of their beliefs, what lead to their beliefs. I am also interested what restriction or things that they are not allowed to participate in because of their beliefs, and routines of everyday life.

Another culture that I am interested in researching is the homeless. This may be a broad topic so I would like feedback on another way to approach this topic. But I do believe this would be a good topic because it is so broad. I want to find out what lead certain homeless people to become such. I want to see what decisions in their life they made to be in the position that they are. I would also like to see what a day in there life is like as well as a night, especially during the wintertime.


gheene10 said...

While I like the scientologist idea I think it might be pretty hard to try and find anyone to really talk to about it. I would definitely be interested in reading about them because I feel like I only hear about the crazy people(tom cruise) that are involved with it. Homeless would be a nice idea too because obviously there are plenty in kalamazoo so it wouldn't be too hard to find one to talk to. I saw a great documentary on HBO where they gave a homeless guy $100,000 to see how he would spend it so you might be interested in looking at that

Andrea Stemaly said...

I have to agree that the homelessness approach may be too much to take on. Your first choice, however, is much more manageable.