Thursday, January 17, 2008

Fake News

I think that TV programs such as the Colbert Report as well as the Daily Show can categorized as “Fake News.” I Think this is due to the fact that even though they both have real topics that they cover and discuss the most important information about the story, they always lead into some joke or fake statement about that topic. So even though in ways it has truth, seriousness, and information that we would get if we watched CNN or CNBC but we also get humor, which those other programs do not offer. This humor is what draws in crowds and people that want to hear the news but don’t want the uptight seriousness that the other news offers.
This also helps the younger crowds watch the news and get in to politics and current events that otherwise they would not know about. It is a very good idea to put a comedic news on comedy central, a channel that is targeted to people between 15-30. Which gets people interested into politics at a young age and helps them to know about serious issues that they should know about but also enjoy watching it. This also gets the younger crowd aware and prepared to vote but talking about issues that will be affecting them in the future. So I think the concept of a “fake News” show is a very good idea to get those who usually wouldn’t usually be interested in news involved in political issues.

1 comment:

428thMP said...

Whats up, I don't watch those shows so I don't understand it as much as the other class members who do but my philosophy is that those shows are more for entertainment and that all news stations in general are from word of mouth so the stories are always a little bit twisted, I don't know all the answers, but good response.
