Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Possible Arguments

Drug/ Alcohol testing in school

Invasion of privacy
Teachers are not the parents who are they to interfere
Protecting the students
Its either illegal or they are underage


Eliminating free speech
Government stopping "political incorrectness"
Keeping children away from vulgar speech and pictures
Parents job to regulate what children see and hear
People will hear it one way or another

Smoking in public areas

Keeps non-smokers comfortable and away from second hand smoke.
If they don’t smoke than they can walk away from it.
Land of the free? What does that even mean anymore?
2nd hand smoke affects children
It’s the parent’s responsibility to keep children away from 2nd hand smoke, not the governments.
With the constant law changes concerning cigarettes, at what point is the government just going to make it illegal

Changing the drinking age

If you can smoke and go to war at 18 why cant you drink.
If kids want to drink they will find a way, laws are not going to stop them.
Preventing pre mature alcoholism
16-18 year olds just got a license; it will just prompt more drinking and driving.


428thMP said...

Hey, nice arguments, I disagree with the smoking b/c I would change it to smoking in cars with minors, I see babies forced to breathe in 2nd hand smoke with parents who don't care, I think if it was enforced and penalized, it might help that problem. Just an idea, you can use it, you might have a better argument that way. The censorship one, I mean it can be regulated in what kids see as far as videos in schools or the movies, but kids find a way, it's really the parents job and that varies, b/c some parents let their kids, it's the way our society is, so I agree with you, you really can't do much but try to limit violence and language shown in schools or other public areas.
Good job dude, c ya later


Andrea Stemaly said...

All of these would be manageable topics.