Thursday, March 13, 2008

Active Voice vs. Passive Voice

The check was given to the waitress by Steve.

-Steve gave the check to the waitress

It was recommended that the policy be changed.

-The policy was recommended to be changed

A study of the problem was made by Jenny.

-Jenny studied the problem.

The tower was hit by a bolt of lightning.

-A bolt of lightening hit the tower

The fly ball was caught by Jose.

-Jose caught the fly ball

It was overheard that some people will leave the company.

-The company overheard that some people were leaving.

The donation is to be given by Mr. Smith.

-Mr. Smith Gave the donation

The gold was discovered by a rancher in Wyoming.

-A wyoming rancher discovered gold

The check was written for an amount of one million dollars.

-A one million dollar check was written

Several donations are going to be made by the family.

-the family is making several donation.

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